1300 881 120 Australia Wide

Acoustic Aluminium Windows - Double Glazing System

Acoustic aluminium double glazed windowThis double glazing system reduces the transfer of noise from outside to inside. These retrofit soundproof windows can be specially manufactured to meet specific size requirements.

The Soundproof Aluminium Window System is a secondary glazing system creating a double glazed unit to noticeably reduce perceived noise transmission through existing windows. It also provides a  thermal insulation barrier to help reduce energy costs related to heating and cooling your home or office.

  • Custom designed to suit all existing applications
  • Acoustically tested as a secondary glazing unit with 100mm air space using 6.38mm laminated glass. The Rw rating of this retrofit window system is approximately 41dB.
  • Available to take up to 10.38mm laminated glass
  • Powder coated aluminium frames
  • Easy access for cleaning as all panels slide
  • Suited for homes, units, offices, hospitals and other buildings
  • Easy to install
  • Conditional 7 year warranty

Hear the Difference!

Hear for yourself how much quieter your lifestyle could be with Soundblock’s double glazed windows:

Benefits of Double Glazed Soundproof Windows

Installing one of Soundblock’s retrofitted double glazed window systems can greatly reduce the noise within your  home or office and also reduce heat transfer from windows will assist you in regulating and maintaining the inside temperature of your building. By doing so you reduce your dependency on the need for curtains and blinds as they’re only required to shut out sunlight and street lights shining into your building.

Contact us today for more information or please enter your requirements for a free online quote.

More Double Glazing Information

Read more about our products and the specific benefits of our double glazing windows here:

Online Quotation

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Soundproofing for Windows

Reduce noise windows

Soundproofing for Walls

Reduce noise walls

Sound Absorbers

Sound Absorbers

Acoustic Consulting

Acoustic Consulting